Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. From the layout of my webpages I am sure itis quite evident that I am an amateur and actually this is my first attempt at creating a website. This website is done for KOS 1110 - Computers in Science which is a course required course here in IIUM. In some of the pagesz I have displayed some of the exercises and assignments I did in class. First of all, I would like to thank my lecturer who made it possible for my friends and I to create a website and although at first I had some reservations but finally I gained a lot of experience creating this website so thank you Dr. Ibrahim, if it hadn't been for this course I probably would not have known what I know today. I would also like to thank all my friends for helping me with some of the problems I faced. Besides that I would like to give acknowledgement to some of the websites I visited to help me with this website:
Lastly, I hope you would take some time to give me some feedback to help me further in my attempt to make my website better and more interesting. THANK YOU!